Когато поетите ги мислят за луди,

а всеки луд си има сълза,

тогава, Господи, и ти си заблуда.

Така ли е или греша?

Изкристализира ледът по стъклото

на единствения прозорец в света.

Последният залез и тъмното

плисват в стаята непрогледна мъгла.

Тогава остава светлината от погледа

на поета,

който си има сълза.

събота, 6 октомври 2012 г.


And light
But Messiah
Is invisible.
A sound of bells –
“Trampling down death by death”
We believed!

                   Kremena  Yacheva

                        translated from bulgarian
                      Temenuga  Georgieva

Exist for my existence

I don’t want to be pretty like the others.
I want to be pretty for you.

I don’t want to be kind to the others.
I want to be kind to you.

I don’t want to be inestimable to the others.
I want to be dear to you.

I don’t want you to be devoted to the others.
I want you to be to be devoted to me.

                           Kremena  Yacheva

                               translated from bulgarian
                            Temenuga  Georgieva

If it is Necessary

I have made my choice
Among a whole planet of men
If it is necessary,
I will say ‘farewell’ to my mother
If she tries to stop me.
For any other woman
I will make a stake in the midnight,
If the other one decided to be with you.
If it is necessary
I will blow up my world,
If it is against my decision.
I’ve already made my choice.
And now it’s your turn.

                     Kremena Yacheva

                            translated from bulgarian
                       Temenuga  Georgieva

In No Time

When I’m with you, time is stopped
Our hearts beat “no time”
When I’m with you, air is coming up.
And it is waiting, waiting for the Great Explosion.
To be repeated.

                              Kremena  Yacheva
                                  translated from bulgarian
                                Temenuga  Georgieva


Time. Sleep. Pray …
To infinity.
There’s no time.
No sleep.
But a pray
To infinity.
And once again…
Peace, got by prayers for your soul.
But what about the body?
It counts the days …
The past ones – like a dream –
It counts the errors.
The future ones – like a dream –
With the new buildings.
But how to find time?
And once again –
A pray.

            Kremena  Yacheva

                 translated from bulgarian
              Temenuga  Georgieva  


My bed has kept the smell of your body
And the air is sweet with the same smell.
I’m moved, searching for caress
The remembrance … You are far from me.
I close my eyes to remember you
To be with you once again…
If I open my eyes, the flood of cares
Would catch you and took you away…

Loneliness teaches me to be patient,
Expectation makes me good.
And I’m happy here, you rang
The bell at my door again.

                  Kremena  Yacheva

                      translated from bulgarian
                  Temenuga  Georgieva

Please, be Generous!

When you are resolved to go,
Let me be already asleep.
Don’t wake me up.
At this instant
I will probably dream just of you –
And you won’t be angry, scandalous,
But bright and in love,
The one you used to be at the very outset.
You were the man who flamed the candlesticks
In the temple of our feelings, weren’t you?
And we were praying, hoping
We would be together forever.
When you are resolved to go,
My bed and my heart would become dark,
But I wouldn’t ask for such a sacrifice –
To stay with me…

                Kremena  Yacheva

                  translated from bulgarian
                Temenuga  Georgieva


 “My heart is crying for snow,
For something white and pure, my heart is crying
Stephan Tsanev

Snow in abundance –
A generous God’s gift.

Faint feelings are covered with snow
And broken thoughts,
And screaming desires.

Snow in abundance -
A generous God’s gift.

Steps and paws, paws and steps –
Without directions, a mixture,
As if they are still wondering
What direction to take up.

Snow in abundance
And souls with snowflakes
In full swing of the dance,
A God’s ordered dance. 

           Kremena Yacheva

                translated from bulgarian 
              Temenuga  Georgieva

When you are far away

Joy –
How long I have been waiting for it…
And it has come.
But today my heart is soaked into sorrow
For it isn’t shared with you.

Song –
How many times I have heard it…
I hear it again.
But today I prefer silence to song
For it isn’t shared with you.

Beauty –

I have looked for it so eagerly…
And it is here.
But today I’m indifferent to any rose.
For it isn’t shared with you.

               Kremena Yacheva

                    translated from bulgarian
                Temenuga  Georgieva


“The master went to America…
…but I haven’t gone anywhere…”
Atanas Dalchev

To go, when everybody
Goes somewhere,
Is not originally.
To come back, when everybody
Is disappointed,
Is not dignified.
To stay here,
and be proud of your loneliness
Is probably a silly thing.
I haven’t started anywhere yet
But will the master of my body –
My soul
Come back?

                      Kremena  Yacheva

                           translated from bulgarian
                          Temenuga  Georgieva


« Le monde ce n 'est que toi et moi. »
D. Christov

Vol de nuit dans les flammes d'une chandelle.  
Désir automnal de lumière.
Le dernier toumesol hiberne dans mon âme.  
Sans même soupçonner une fin pareille,
Le destin m'a fait le signe de croix.

Dommage pour la beauté
Qui n'a pu durer jusqu'à l'aube.
Je porte en moi la peur secrète
De ne plus pouvoir me sauvegarder.

Il fait noir au milieu des mots non dits.

                             Kremena  Yacheva

                                 traduit du bulgare  L.K.

                         « Est-ce que tu connais, mon ami,
                          Le chagrin de vivre? »
A. Bosquet

Quand ce ne sont pas les chaînes qui se brisent,
Mais les nerfs...
Quand ce n'est pas le mur qui s'écroule, 
Mais le corps...
Quand ce n'est pas le noeud qui se déchire, 
Mais l'âme...
Quand ce n'est pas le sang qui coagule,
Mais les pensées...
Connais-tu, mon ami, le chagrin de vivre?

Alors, tu cherches longtemps le sens de toute chose.   
Alors, tu n'entreprends rien dans le chaos.
Alors, devant toi, tu as tout ton temps.
Mais tu soulèves et tu portes soigneusement
Ton chagrin de vivre.

                       Kremena  Yacheva

                          traduit  du bulgare  L.K.

« Et si cette vie dure encore autant? »
K. Donkov

Il me reste combien de mon chemin?
De mes pas du sang s'évapore.
Car la croix a blessé mes ailes
Et mes yeux sont de l'appât.

Des larmes d'impuissance et de peur,
Dans la douleur et la folie j'ai versées.
Devant des icônes et des souvenirs j'ai pleuré. 
Je me suis promis de résister.

Il me reste combien de mon chemin?
Ma volonté est telle une miette
Et même si tu crois dans l'au-delà
Tu es en quête du sens ici-bas.

                       Kremena  Yacheva

                          traduit du bulgare  L.K.

« Près de la maison abandonnée
Un grillon chante. 
 Soleil du soir. »

Mon âme: une maison abandonnée;
Le dernier hôte est parti.
Et je crie...
Le vide me répond:
« Le dernier hôte est parti. »

Des fleurs tendres poussent devant le seuil.  
Bruit sourd de cerises dans I'herbe.
Un grillon chante devant la porte.
Il fait exprès, ou il se trompe?

Le soleil du soir dans l'attente
S'arrête quelques instants sous I'auvent. 
Mais qui lui répondra cette fois-ci?
« Le dernier hôte est parti. »

                     Kremena  Yacheva

                        traduit du bulgare  L.K.